It's been a hard road but I am back! About a month ago I had to have surgery on My left breast due to a extremely severe infection stemming from My nipple piercing. Although I got pierced about 18 years ago and never had issues with My piercings, it was only up until after 2005 I started to have problems. I went through mammograms, ultra sounds and biopsies as I was told My condition was so severe that it could be cancer. So for 5 days I went through a series of various deep emotions worried but trying to be optimistic that I do not have cancer.
I got My biopsy test back and it was negative!! Thank God, I am truly grateful and blessed. But I did still have the issue of seriously needing surgery the next day. The pain from the infection was so severe words cannot even describe. I was admitted and immediately pumped with 2 strong antibiotics. The infection was removed and I was hospitalized for a week and discharged. As some of you may know being in the hospital you get NO decent sleep because a nurse or someone is always coming into your room for something and to check on you, so I was exhausted after surgery.
Home aftercare was intense because I had to go to the I.V. therapy hospital unit every single day for about 3 weeks to receive My daily dosage of antibiotics thru what is called a pic line. Which is an I.V. that is inserted in your upper arm under your arm pit and leads in a vein near your heart. I had to carry around 24/7 a fanny pack purse with a I.V. and pump attached to it. Being that I am sensitive to medications the antibiotics side effects are a lot to handle for Me. Fatigue, dizziness, weakness and headaches. I also had to take another antibiotic orally and I had a drain in My breast to release any fluids which was very uncomfortable and painful.
Gratefully, I have amazing people to help and support Me through all of this and as I said before, I am blessed. I am getting much better now resting and eating very healthy. I enjoy juicing which consist of having a juicing machine and blending a hearty combination of organic parsley, raw ginger, cucumbers, celery, green apples, kiwi, kale, garlic, bananas, pure pomegranate juice and a scoop of powerful raw greens powder called Green Vibrance by Vibrant Health which is full of some high volume quality stuff that is guaranteed to clean your blood, boost your immune system, very high in antioxidant, fights infections and gives a natural energy boost.
There were quite a few things I missed out on for example doing the interview/documentary with Swedish Channel 5 about Chastity Training.They came to the United States just for Me and I felt bad that this cleansing happened when it did at the time. But in life all things are meant to be in a perfect order and divine plan. I missed out on a few other exciting things as well, but oh well! For Me, My main concern was My health and being happy that My life goes on with more chances to achieve My hopes and dreams. This was the second cancer scare in My life, the first one was with My pancreas many years ago ... and this lets Me know that God has plans for Me and that I am suppose to be here to further My goal of world DOMINATION!
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