On this day Black Beauty was born .. On this day My life began embarking on an extraordinary journey that has so much more to go. I often speak of gratitude and My deep faith in My spirituality and I always will. How could I not when I have experienced, seen, felt and been so blessed and protected for so long. I am grateful for all that has and will happen in My life although some of you will think I am crazy to do so. If you do think I am crazy for being grateful for everything including the hardships and pain. Then you are not there yet in the deeper meaning of true gratitude for life what and who you are. You are so much more than flesh and bones ... you are from and of divine spirit. Am I getting too deep right now?? Well sometimes circumstances should allow that for you to see! Your will for acceptance and faith may not be in place within yet. But that does make you a bad person at all. Some of us are similar or are on different paths of understanding and innerstanding about life, acceptance, gratitude and humility. That's the beauty and gift we were given of diversity. To learn from each other because we are so different yet the same and of One. I wrote the following in My blog awhile back and and it will ALWAYS hold true everyday!
The 3 greatest virtues
Humility..... this is the ego monsters biggest enemy. Being able to allow yourself to take a step back from it being all about you. To humble yourself, to soften your character and look at the world through different more compassionate eyes. Having humility is not about looking and acting weak, it's not about worrying about what others feel and think because you are not the loudest, meanest or the strongest. You can have humility of the heart and soul and still carry yourself with a strong yet positive vibration and still get respect! Would you rather be feared than loved? Bowing down to something much greater than you does not make you the weakest link, if anything it makes you a greater human being and elevated spirit!
Gratitude..... this is something that should be practiced everyday for everything. In life everything is taken for granted. Your life, your health, love, money, your job, material blessings, family, friends and most important GOD! To be grateful for all things from morning till night, till death do us part is part of the key to eliminating stress and unnecessary drama in life. We receive countless blessings everyday, and too many times those blessings are looked over and taken for granted as though we are owed these things, and we are not! What we have in life really does not belong to us, they are borrowed!..... True Gratitude comes from the deepest and most purest part of your soul. Anyone can say "Thank you", but how sincere are you? Even if you are given the smallest thing, it is important. We are always tested to see how grateful we are for the things we receive... little do you know you fail majority of the time. All the material blessings you have can be taken away within a blink of an eye, will it only be then you will fall to your knees and be sincerely grateful? You can be healthy and living life then all of the sudden you find yourself fighting for your life, will you only be grateful then? You can love someone, and then the next day they are gone with you not being able to say goodbye, will you be grateful for their life then when it's too late? Gratitude starts now and forever!
Acceptance........ this would have to be the hardest virtue of all. It means that whatever life sends your way, you are to be accepting of it without complaints! Complaining will NOT change it, complaining will only accumulate more toxins in your soul and attitude and it does not change things at all. To look at the situation and say, I accept this change, I accept this hardship, I accept this arrangement in My life because this is my blueprint and my lesson to learn suck it up and accept it. I know it is much easier said than done, but it is important and it is never going away. Losing a job, a death, financial downfalls, eviction, heartbreak, rejection, bad health, problems and difficulties are all some examples of what we deal with in our daily lives. To look at the situation and swallow hard, accept it as being apart of our lives as human. Our emotions and attachments will always play a important part, and because of that will make it hard to accept. But when you accept life's circumstances, you find a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you feel a sense of freedom and deeper understanding, especially if you look and can see it from a spiritual perspective and not human knowledge. Although it will be hard for you, acceptance allows you to move forward and make room for a more positive outlook on life!
Domina Erotica